Saturday, 17 November 2012

Days 86 - 90: Montevideo and Salto

Hello everyone!

Just a quick blog before we head across to Brazil!! We hear we won't have wifi for a few days at the falls so just a wee hello!!

In Montevideo we were back to the city, but it is a lot more relaxed than Buenos Aires. Salto is our last stop in Uruguay before Brazil, more of a stopping point to break up the journey so we have been relaxing at the pools. More on this later! Two weeks to go!! Xoxoxo

Ok to add more info:

In Montevideo we spent the first day walking around the old town, which included a visit to the viewing deck of one of the highest buildings in the area, a telecommunications company, which had a great view of the city. The city is a mix of old and new, with horses used to pick up recycling! The next day we walked ~13km from the old town down along Las Ramblas which goes around the beaches. This was a nice relaxing day - we have been really lucky with the constant sunshine!!

Then we were off to Salto, our stopping point to break up the journey. There isn't much in Salto apart from a hot pools complex, so we had a great day swimming and relaxing in the sun before we entered Brazil!

Sam Facts for the last wee while (mostly from Buenos Aires):

When BOCA Juniors, Argentinas most famous football club, were being set up the founders disagreed on the club colours. Therefore to settle the dispute they decided that they would be based on the colours of the next ship that sailed into port. It just so happened to be a Swedish ship and their colours were immortalized as blue and yellow!

Avenida 9 de Julio, which runs north to south through Buenos Aires, is the worlds widest avenue with a total of 18 lanes, nine in each direction!


  1. Yay two more weeks of holiday! Book the 6th Dec at Andy's for CHiPs Xmas lunch! :)x

  2. Hey Bec!
    We are staying in Auckland for two days before we head home, was thinking of popping in on the 3rd, will everyone be around then?
    Yay see you soon!!
